Objectives: Train engineers capable of mastering the main areas of computer science, in its theoretical, fundamental and practical aspects; and implement its solutions. The structuring of the training allows all engineers to acquire a wide spectrum of skills required by companies (software, algorithms, artificial intelligence, teamwork, etc.). The specializations offered complete this training with more advanced skills (intensive computing and data sciences, robotics and learning, artificial intelligence, software engineering and cyber-security).
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: Bac +2: CPGE preparation (CCINP), integrated preparation, admission based on qualifications (DUT, BTS, License)
Duration and terms: 3 years
Partnerships with national organisations: Groupe INP, école associée de l'Institut Mines-Télécom ; réseau Polyméca,
Dedicated web site: https://enseirb-matmeca.bordeaux-inp.fr/fr/informatique