Objectives: In addition to a good knowledge of the disciplinary fields, one of the training objectives is the acquisition of a scientific and critical approach. An integrative approach based on multidisciplinary skills / knowledge, both naturalistic, physico-chemical and modeling is developed in parallel with familiarization with instrumental developments in the discipline. This multidisciplinarity, essential in many fields of activity (polluted sites and soils, hydrogeology, materials, mineral resources ...) constitutes a strong point of the training.
This master's degree is therefore based on a rich training, led by a national team of teachers / professionals from the fields of Geosciences, Physics and Chemistry.
3 courses
"Hydrogeology and Transfers (Hydro)" course:
"Mineral Materials / International Master in Advanced Clay Science (IMACS)" course
"EUR Mineral Materials / International Master in Advanced Clay Science (IMACS)" course
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Targeted careers : numerous fields of activity, in particular those relating to sustainable development (polluted sites and soils, management of water resources, geomaterials, mineral resources, eco-materials, etc.).
Duration and terms: 2 years
Dedicated web site: https://tinyurl.com/sjabpr6