Aerospace Education Catalogue

Master Génie Industriel : Ingénierie de la production et de la conception de produits (IPCP)

  • Organisation: Institut Francilien de Sciences Appliquées (IFSA)
    (Université Gustave Eiffel)
  • Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning
  • Language(s): French
  • Place: Marne la Vallée - Champs sur Marne (French Regions: Ile-de-France)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Master or DNM: French National Master Degree
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 3
  • This training is included in RNCPRS

Course Details

Objectives: The objectives of the IUP (Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé) "Génie des Systèmes Industriels" de Marne la Vallée
are the training of supervising staff,able to design, build and produce mechanical systems. As soon as they obtain their diplomas, these executives should also be in a position to answer technological and economical imperatives by integrating the factors management,communication and running of performances.They find their places in the industry within the design office, the manufacturing preparation department or the quality department.The activity domains in which they can insert are various:mechanics, metallurgy,car industry, aeronautics, transport, energy transformation..

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Prerequisites: Firstly at the level M1 ,the great number of students of Master-GSI will be increased by the students from Licence Sciences for the engineer path GSI of the University of Marne la Vallée.
It proposes,in perfect coherence with the Master-GSI, to the university students but also to the holders of a DUT (validated 120 ECTS) or of a BTS (validated 60 ECTS)
courses which allow them to go by right into
the Master GSI.
Secondly, the Master GSI can be enriched with students coming from Licence training more theoretical or from engineers schools,searching a professionnal course
given in Master GSI.
A part of UE ("Unites d'Enseignement") has been designed for that purpose.

Admission requirements: Automatic access for students who have their first year IUP - GSI.(L3 Sciences de l'Ingénieur, specialized GSI) recognized.
For the others :students report and interveiw
An admission commission will value the appropriateness of the competences and the knowledges from the candidate to the necessary pre requisites as well as the appropriateness of the student project to the Master objectives.

Targeted careers : Sectors of activity: Metallurgy-Mechanical industry, Automotive-Aeronautics-Shipbuilding-Transport – Nuclear industry – Energy transformation industry Types of jobs accessible: Studies and consulting (excluding SSI), Studies-Research and development-Projects , Services related to production (development/studies, business manager/project manager, methods/quality, maintenance, energy management, etc.)

Duration and terms: This training is organized in 2 years.The first year corresponds to a common core curriculum bringing to the choice of competences pole the student wish to develop ( cotation, manufacturing process, materials, functional design, technical informatics ) of the option( Products design in simultaneous engineerie) of the 2nd year (M2).

The GSI speciality is a part of the training offered by the educational structure from the IUP - GSI, and concerns the trainings of
the Licence STPI ("Sciences et Techniques pour l'Ingénieur") of the course GSI and Master GSI.
The training of the Master GSI is based on a great common core curriculum.This training will allow to offer the students of Master GSI a transverse and specialized training to the careers of mechanical industry in the current context of simultaneaous engineering.
this objective can be reached through:
-an academic professionnal training adapted to the needs of industrials of aimed domains(aeronautics, car industry)
-projects of industrial products designs during the 3 years of training(it is possible to have a contract
-3 work experiences directed and supervised by the team of .It will last more than 12 months.

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences
  • System Engineering, Programme Management, Production


  • 16 - Systems Engineering and Innovation: Modeling, Simulation, MBSE (model based system engineering), Operational Safety, Quality, Product Assurance, Qualification, Validation and Verification, Certification, Management of Innovation, Analysis and Creation of Value, New Space…
  • 17 - Programme and Production Management: Project Management, Lean, Industrialization, Life Cycle, Ecodesign, Supply Chain, Assembly Line, Digital Transformation, Factory of the Future, Integration, Maintenance, Recycling, etc.