Objectives: - To conceive and optimize hydro-mechanical and energy systems
- To coordinate and to manage projects of development of products in the domains of the energy, the processes, the transport and the oil.
Intended for: - Students coming from the Ense3 common core (first year);
- Students level M1, MST/IUP3
- Foreigner students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Prerequisites: Rather 1st year of Ense3 common core
Admission requirements: Files for Bac+" or 4
Duration and terms: 4 semesters
Notes: The Mechanical and energy path trains engineers exercising functions of studies, tests, calculation, research and development and people in charge of operation, in the domains of the transport (aeronautical, aerospace, automobile), traditional and renewable energies (production, conversion), of industrial thermicsl and hydraulics , of the oil genius and the genius of the processes.
Partnerships with national organisations: Transports : AIRBUS, DASSAULT AVIATION, PSA, RENAULT, SNECMA Energie : ALSTOM, AREVA, EDF, GAZ DE FR
Dedicated web site: https://ense3.grenoble-inp.fr/fr/formation/ingenieur-de-grenoble-inp-ense3-filiere-mecanique-et-energetique-me#page-presentation