Aerospace Education Catalogue

Licence Professionnelle Maintenance Aéronautique

  • Organisation: IUT de Blagnac
    (Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès)
  • Type of Course: Life-long learning - Sandwich/Apprenticeship training
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Place: IUT Toulouse 2 Blagnac (French Regions: Occitanie)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Vocational bachelor, three-year university vocational degree
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 2
  • This training is included in RNCPRS

Course Details

Objectives: Train level II aeronautical technicians capable of ensuring:
- planning, organization, implementation of maintenance tasks
- traceability of operations
- the development of aeronautical technical procedures
- the realization and exploitation of system tests
- continuing airworthiness (Part M)
- document development and management (operation, maintenance, traceability)
- configuration management
At the end of the training, the students are recruited thanks to their skills in aeronautical techniques, maintenance, technical management, documentation, regulations (Part 145, etc.), configuration management, etc.

Intended for: - Work-study training: students with 2 years of study (BTS, BUT2, L2, etc.) in a scientific field, with a work-study contract (license level, 1 year) in a company linked to the sector aeronautics
- Continuing education: aimed at people engaged in working life wishing to resume studies or have their experiences validated (VA85 process, VAE, etc.)

Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Prerequisites: English

Admission requirements: - Work-study training, proof of the following diplomas: L2 scientific, or BUT (GIM, GMP, GEII, MP...), or BTS (AERO, MI, MAI, ATI, CPI...)
- Continuing education, either justifying the same diplomas, or an exemption from the diploma(s) required as part of the validation of prior learning
- For all candidates, admission is based on file, then possibly on interview (part of which in English)

Targeted careers : Following the training, the students are hired in:
• aeronautical construction companies: maintainability, procedures and technical documentation, assembly line, fixed point or in-flight tests, delivery, quality, configuration management, production, etc.
• airlines: preparation of maintenance visits, organization of work, supply of spare parts and tools, maintenance of airworthiness, etc.
• aeronautical subcontracting companies: systems maintenance, technical preparation of interventions, creation and implementation of service bulletins, etc.

Duration and terms: - 1 academic year
- About 70% of the training modules are given by professional speakers

Notes: - the training is open both in work-study (apprenticeship or professionalization) and in continuing education
- The program of this training is set by a committee of experts made up of representatives of the aeronautical world and teachers
- This training has close relations with many partners in the aeronautical industry:
Airbus, Air France Industries, Air Méditerranée, Air Support, Aéroconseil, AKKA ID, ATR, CIRCE Ingénierie, Claris Technologies, ENAC, IFR France, ISAE, Spie Sud Ouest, Safran, Derichebourg, etc.

Partnerships with national organisations: Manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, aeronautical subcontractors (see list in comments section)

Dedicated web site:


  • System Engineering, Programme Management, Production


  • 17 - Programme and Production Management: Project Management, Lean, Industrialization, Life Cycle, Ecodesign, Supply Chain, Assembly Line, Digital Transformation, Factory of the Future, Integration, Maintenance, Recycling, etc.