Objectives: The academic program includes 1800 hours of teaching, spread over 3 years. The objectives of this program are:
1st YEAR Program
Homogenization of general scientific knowledge of students of diverse origins and improvement in certain basic disciplines (mathematics, computer science, thermodynamics, structure of matter, physical chemistry, metallurgy, etc.)
2nd YEAR Program
Training in shaping metals and alloys by foundry and forging. During this second year, the emphasis is placed on courses relating to materials science and process engineering.
3rd YEAR Program
Third year Introduction of lessons of a different nature since they relate to the socio-economic field, in addition to the scientific and technical lessons always present in the training. We will note here a desire for future senior executives trained by our school to also be competent collaborators in management and business management (project management, marketing, intellectual property, communication, legal aspects, financial management, etc.)
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Duration and terms: The training leading to the ESFF engineering diploma in agreement with ENSAM is carried out through apprenticeship. Its duration is 3 years in accordance with the general planning of this sector. The pace of alternation between school and business is progressive. In the first year, the alternating periods increase by one month for each alternation, going from 1 to 3 months. In the second year the periods are 3 months. In the third year, a first period at school of 2 months then 1 month in a company to define and validate the subject of the end-of-studies project, 3 months at school then 5 months in a company with a defense in mid-September .
Partnerships with national organisations: Convention with ENSAM
Dedicated web site: https://www.esff.fr/diplome-dingenieur/