Aerospace Education Catalogue

LP Métiers de l’Industrie : Industrie Aéronautique

  • Organisations :
  • Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning - Sandwich/Apprenticeship training
  • Language(s): French
  • Place: Evry (91) Université d'Evry-Val-d'Essonne (French Regions: Ile-de-France)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Vocational bachelor, three-year university vocational degree
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 2

Course Details

Objectives: The MICMA professional license is a so-called terminal diploma, preparing for direct integration into the professional world. Continuation of studies is nevertheless possible subject to conditions at the end of the training.
It prepares for technical supervision and preparation of aeronautical production and maintenance operations: industrial processes, preparation and methods, technical office, testing and control, quality assurance. Orientation towards a more specific profession is refined by an optional teaching unit, the work carried out in projects and the mission of the apprentice or employee in a company. Two ways are proposed: aeronautical maintenance (quality, continuing airworthiness) on the one hand, methods and design office on the other hand:
- Aeronautical Technical And Maintenance (TEMA)
- Bureau-Method for Aeronautical Production (BMPA)

The training develops skills in these areas, and provides general knowledge of aircraft and their equipment. It emphasizes the sector's business culture: regulations, documentation, monitoring and maintaining airworthiness, human factors. It includes a 150-hour supervised project on issues proposed by manufacturers. The transversal skills (organization and management of production, personal development) are also developed there. Finally, learning English is compulsory and evaluated. Some lessons are also given partly in English. The training is certified by the ASTech Paris Region Competitiveness Cluster.

Intended for: students, employees, persons seeking employment

Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Prerequisites: General or professional, scientific or technological training in bac + 2 or any training deemed equivalent; English. Knowledge in the aerospace field is a plus, without being compulsory.

Admission requirements: The diplomas giving right to candidacy must all relate to the scientific or technological field at Bac + 2: CPGE, GUT, BTS or any training deemed equivalent). Possibility of Validation of Studies, VAE and VAP.

Foreign students under the CEF procedure must inquire with Campus France for their procedures (

Applications are made on file (to be withdrawn from March and to be returned before May 15 for a response in June, until July 14 for a response in late August). An online procedure is available (

Acquired skills during the training : The generic skills developed are:
- integrate into the company and understand the culture, regulations, and methods and tools of aeronautical production and maintenance.
- choose, install and implement means of production and maintenance of aeronautical equipment, means of testing and control of aeronautical or space equipment.
- prepare the work of the operators, organize and control it.
- monitor and manage the airworthiness of a fleet or a batch of flying equipment.

Targeted careers : The trades that graduates can claim are (INSEE nomenclature):
473c Manufacturing and quality control technicians in electricity, electromechanics and electronics
474c Manufacturing and quality control technicians in mechanical engineering and metalworking
475a Research and development technicians and production methods in the processing industries
475b Production and quality control technicians in the processing industries
477b Technicians for the installation and maintenance of industrial equipment.

Duration and terms: The course takes place over a year. This course is organized in Teaching Units which each group different subjects. The lessons are given in the form of Courses, Tutorials, Practical Works and Supervised Projects. The lessons are evaluated by continuous checks and exams. A significant effort is made on pedagogy (many practical works) and on the monitoring and support of each student in the training. The year is organized by semesters.

Notes: Over 90% of permanent teachers carry out research activities in one of the two laboratories associated with the UFR of Sciences and Technologies (LMEE and IBISC). They work on air and road transport issues, on launchers, on aeronautical and space robotics, in the following disciplines: optimization, modeling and simulation, automatic and signal processing, on-board IT. Strong partnerships have been developed with CNES, Eurocopter, ONERA, the École des Mines de Paris, the ICARE laboratory, IFFSTAR. The training benefits from the support of the Paris Saclay Campus establishments involved in the mention of a master's degree.

The university is a training operator for its outside CFA (AGESUP) and hosts a Start up and CRT incubator, some of which come from the UFR S&T. She is a member of the ESI (formerly PSEVS), an interdisciplinary pole bringing together players in higher education and research in the Evry region around research, training and innovation; it brings together our university, the Genopole, the CHSF, TSP, TEM, the Materials Center and the ENSIIE.

The course is part of the Paris Saclay Campus, in a master's degree bringing together the ECP, L’SEN Cachan, SUPMECA, the University of Paris Sud, the ENSTA. The University of Evry-Val-d'Essonne is a founding member of PRES UniversSud Paris. She joined the IDEX Campus Paris Saclay.

The university chairs the thematic area Employment, Training & Research of the ASTech Paris Region Competitiveness Cluster, and is a member of CIRAS of Versailles. She is co-founder of the aerosynergie aeronautical training network (public and private establishments in Ile de France, representatives of GIFAS, FNAM, the Air Force, the Region and the Rectorates of Ile de France). An agreement binds us with the Alexandre Denis de Cerny high school and the CFA for air crafts (pooling of technical resources and teachers). These actions are supported by Air France Industries.
Collaborations have been set up with ONERA, Bertin Technologies, Roxel and EADS, as well as engineering schools such as ISAE, ESTACA and IPSA, initiated around the PERSEUS project piloted by CNES. A multi-party framework agreement associates us with these companies and schools around common training and research activities.

The UFR S&T has specific resources specific to its aeronautical activities: ULM and mini-drone construction workshop, light aircraft and helicopter maintenance workshop, avionics laboratory, experimental rocket construction workshop in partnership with CNES .

The establishment offers its students the opportunity to learn how to pilot light aircraft: it prepares for the theoretical tests of the PPL, and has a flight simulator for light aircraft.

Partnerships with national organisations: CFA EVE - Centre de formation universitaire en apprentisage

Dedicated web site:

Dedicated web site : (Ecole Univ de Premier Cycle Paris-Saclay)


  • Engineering Sciences
  • System Engineering, Programme Management, Production


  • 3 - Mechanical and Materials Engineering: Solid Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Composites, Metallurgy, Forming, Additive Manufacturing, Metamaterials, Processes, Plastics, Chemistry, Polymers, Surface Treatment, etc.
  • 14 - Aeronautical and Space Vehicles: Aircraft, Balloons, Drones, Launch vehicles, Satellites, Cubsats, High Altitude Platforms, Landers, Rovers, Manned Flights, etc.
  • 17 - Programme and Production Management: Project Management, Lean, Industrialization, Life Cycle, Ecodesign, Supply Chain, Assembly Line, Digital Transformation, Factory of the Future, Integration, Maintenance, Recycling, etc.