Objectives: The acoustics master's degree allows training in many areas of acoustics such as perception, medical ultrasound, aeroacoustics, air transport, vibroacoustics, land transport and construction.
This master aims to:
Train experts to work in the field of acoustics or vibrations in an international context.
Prepare students to approach and deal with industrial acoustic problems and more specifically research and development problems.
Provide students with industrial awareness and an excellent level of scientific communication.
The Lyon International Master in Acoustics is a two-year program coordinated by Centrale Lyon and co-accredited with INSA Lyon and ENTPE.
Intended for: Students with a Bachelor of Science for the entry into the first-year M1.
Students with a Master of Science, or at least with a first-year M1, in Mechanics, Physics and Mechanical engineering can also apply directly for the second year of the program.
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: Bachelor of Science
Master of Science
Duration and terms: 2 years or 1 year
Dedicated web site: https://www.ec-lyon.fr/formation/international-master-acoustics