Aerospace Education Catalogue

An Introduction to Pricing Strategy and Revenue Management

  • Organisation: ENAC
  • Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning - E-learning (mooc, spoc, wikis ...)
  • Language(s): English
  • Place: Toulouse (French Regions: Occitanie)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: CES: Certificate of Advanced Studies (from a higher education institution)

Course Details

Objectives: Sorry, this course will not run again. Browse other Business & Management courses.
Why join the course?
How do airlines, hotels, resorts and other organisations manage their prices? Why are these prices apparently unrelated to costs and different for each consumer? And what are the underlying reasons and processes behind these prices?

Intended for: This free online course will open the black box of revenue management – the widespread pricing strategy that the travel, leisure and other industries use to generate additional revenue, by setting prices according to people’s preferences and willingness to pay.

You will explore the methods at the core of many revenue management systems, discovering the answers to questions such as:

Do all customers have the same sensitivity to price?
How can a firm use its knowledge on demand, to charge different people different prices for the same product?
Why do the prices vary over time?
How can a firm slightly differentiate its product in order to charge widely different prices to different people?
How can you define the right set of prices to increase the firm’s profit?
What is the outcome for the individual consumer? And for consumers as a whole?

Prerequisites: Massive Online Open Course

Admission requirements: Massive Online Open Course

Duration and terms: 4 weeks

Notes: Throughout the course you will practice what you learn through practical pricing problems, pricing simulation games and interactive case studies. For example, you will step into the shoes of a pricer and set an airline’s pricing strategy over a period of time.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of pricing strategies;
Compare and evaluate different pricing schemes in different sectors of industry;
Design a pricing framework in a real-life revenue optimisation situation;
Implement revenue management in your business, and experiment with price setting and capacity allocation.

Learn with revenue management specialists from aviation and other industries

The course has been developed by ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile) – a university specialising in the economics and strategy of the aviation industry, where revenue management originated.

Throughout, ENAC educators will also be joined by experts from other sectors that are successfully using revenue management techniques, giving you a variety of perspective and experiences.

International partnerships: Futurelearn

Dedicated web site:


  • Human and Social Sciences


  • 19 - Business Engineering and Legal Issues: Laws and treaties, Space law, Regulations, Standards, Business Management, Finance, Managerial Monitoring, Costs, Purchasing, Macro and Micro Economics, Marketing, Contracts, Intellectual Property