Objectives: The International Master's Degree Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Science provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the field of ocean, atmospheric and climate sciences. It forms the interface between physics, chemistry and applied sciences, with the aim of answering the questions posed by the major societal challenges of the climate and the atmosphere.
This master's degree is carried out jointly by Centrale Lyon and Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University.
This master aims to:
Gain knowledge and skills across multiple disciplines to better understand small- and large-scale processes in the atmosphere and oceans.
Study and analyze the interactions between these processes and their impact on climate change.
Learn measurement techniques and understand the importance of observation in modeling the atmosphere, oceans and climate.
The master's degree is offered in partnership with Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, teaching is therefore shared between the Écully site (Central Lyon) and the Doua site (Lyon 1).
Three options are offered:
Water and ocean sciences
Atmospheric sciences
Climate science
Intended for: Bachelor of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Geo-sciences), Engineers
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: Licence, M1 or equivalent high school engineer
Duration and terms: 4 semesters
Notes: Addition of an international seminar cycle (5 partner universities)
Addition of a second option for M1 students
Partnerships with national organisations: Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Dedicated web site: https://www.ec-lyon.fr/formation/international-master-atmosphere-ocean-and-climate-science