Aerospace Education Catalogue

Master EEA - Parcours Électronique des Systèmes Embarqués et Télécommunications (ESET)

  • Organisation: Université de Toulouse - Faculté Sciences et Ingénierie
    (Université de Toulouse)
  • Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning
  • Language(s): French
  • Place: Toulouse (French Regions: Occitanie)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Master or DNM: French National Master Degree
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 3
  • VAE (Validation of Acquired Experiences): Yes
  • This training is included in RNCPRS

Course Details

Objectives: The objective of the Electronics of Embedded Systems and Telecommunications (ESET) course is to train scientific executives (engineers and/or researchers) specialists in the analysis and design of electronic systems dedicated to embedded applications, in particular space, and to telecommunications.

The knowledge acquired allows the understanding and development of devices on several levels of description ranging from the electronic chip to the system. The training allows you to understand the specificities of on-board systems such as energy management, electromagnetic compatibility between the different elements and aspects of data transmission. The interaction with the software, low level, although it is not part of the priority of the training, is also approached because its study is necessary to soak up the complexity of the embedded system.

The EEA license and the EEA master are awarded the Cursus Master in Engineering (CMI). The CMI offers a new path to the engineering profession.

Intended for: Students, Professionals in Continuing Education

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements: For entry in M1:
The Master 1 EEA ISTR is a continuation of the courses offered in the EEA degree of the Paul Sabatier University, but there is no full access to Master 1 EEA: All students who have acquired a level of Licenses may apply.
Foreign students holding a foreign diploma must obtain information in order to use the application procedure adapted to them (Study in France, ...).

For direct entry into M2:
- Students holding the first year of the Master EEA ISTR of Paul Sabatier University are admitted as of right in M2.
- Students who hold another M1 from Paul Sabatier University or an M1 (or equivalent) from another French institution must apply on the university's website.
- Foreign students holding a foreign diploma must obtain information in order to use the application procedure adapted to them (Study in France, ...)

Acquired skills during the training : Skills specific to the course:
Understand the operation and implementation of semiconductor devices
Master the complex functions of electronic systems
Take into account the reliability of an electronic system
Manage energy in an embedded system
Master circuits and microwave and optoelectronic characterization techniques
Understand sensor technology and design their processing chain

Targeted careers : Space aeronautics, Research-innovation, Robotics, electronics & electrical industry, instrumentation, Telecommunications & networks

Duration and terms: 4 semesters

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences


  • 7 - Embedded/Cyberphysical Systems: Embedded Networks, Real Time Systems, Formal Methods, Embedded Software, Avionics, Instrumentation...
  • 8 - Electronics Systems : Analog and digital functions, Components, Microelectronics, Integrated Circuits, Samplers, ASIC/FPGA, Digital Signal Processors, Nanotechnologies
  • 9 - Microwave and Photonics: Radiofrequency Functions, Propagation, Antennas, MIMO, Metasurfaces, Terrahertz, Optics, Optoelectronics, Laser, Photonic Circuits, Plasmonics, Quantum Technologies...
  • 10 - Control Systems and Robotics: Linear systems, Identification, Optimization, Command and Control, Filtering, Non-linear Systems, Autonomous systems...
  • 12 - Information and Communications Technologies: Telecommunications, Modulation/Coding, Software Defined Radio (SDR), Multimedia, Networks and Protocols, Internet, IoT/Connected Objects, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Information Systems, Teleservices,....