Aerospace Education Catalogue

BUT Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle, Parcours Electronique et systèmes embarqués

  • Organisation: IUT de Rouen - site de Mont Saint-Aignan
    (Université de Rouen Normandie)
  • Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning - Sandwich/Apprenticeship training
  • Language(s): French
  • Place: Mont Saint Aignan (ROUEN) (French Regions: Normandie)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: BUT (three-year technological university degree)
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 0
  • This training is included in RNCPRS

Course Details

Objectives: The BUT GEII prepares for the integration in the sectors of the electrical, electronic and industrial IT industries (transport of energy, telecommunications, automotive industries, railway and aeronautical civil and military ...).

2 courses to choose from the 2nd year. Alternately accessible.
Industrial automation and IT
Electronics and embedded systems

This course, with its electronics and embedded systems coloring, will lead you to analyze, design and create electronic systems. In business, you will be called upon to supervise teams of technicians and work in collaboration with engineers in order to integrate, program, install, communicate and maintain all this electronic equipment around themes linked to areas such as home automation (alarm system, weather station, remote control, etc.), robotics (mobile robots, manipulator arms, etc.), transport, aeronautics and space (driving assistance systems , drones, nano-satellites, etc.), audiovisual (air control rooms, security PC, etc.), health (collection and analysis of vital data for optimal care in real time, etc.), connected agriculture (automated management of agricultural plots, etc.), sports (calculation of the speed of a shot, etc.), connected objects (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI). You will also learn how electronic systems communicate their data wirelessly or optically (infra red, optical fiber).
Embedded systems have the particularity of being autonomous devices in their operation and in their power supply. They are built by combining different components around a microcontroller or a microprocessor which executes a program (in C, Python, etc.). Embedded systems are present in many everyday objects as well as in many sectors of industry.

Intended for: Training mainly open to general and technological baccalaureates, also accessible in continuing education

Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Targeted careers : Technical executive in the fields of electronics and embedded systems (studies and design, integration, maintenance, quality control tests, etc.), technical-commercial executive, project manager, embedded system developer, roboticist, assistant business manager, manager project manager, business or study manager, maintenance manager, advisor, consultant, assistant engineer, test manager, design technician, integrator, study executives and development in embedded systems.

Duration and terms: 3 years

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences


  • 6 - Electrical Engineering: Generation and Storage of Electrical Energy, Conversion, Regulation, Power Electronics, Actuators, Electric Propulsion, Microsystems, Mechatronics...
  • 7 - Embedded/Cyberphysical Systems: Embedded Networks, Real Time Systems, Formal Methods, Embedded Software, Avionics, Instrumentation...
  • 8 - Electronics Systems : Analog and digital functions, Components, Microelectronics, Integrated Circuits, Samplers, ASIC/FPGA, Digital Signal Processors, Nanotechnologies
  • 9 - Microwave and Photonics: Radiofrequency Functions, Propagation, Antennas, MIMO, Metasurfaces, Terrahertz, Optics, Optoelectronics, Laser, Photonic Circuits, Plasmonics, Quantum Technologies...