Aerospace Education Catalogue

CSU Paris
Centre Spatial Universitaire de Paris


The University Space Centers (CSU) are developing nanosatellite projects in interface with CNES. They come from the Janus project (Young people in learning for the production of nanosatellites in universities and higher education schools) which aims to promote space to students in French schools and universities. It is for the students to manufacture nanosatellites in the "Cubesat" format (cubic shape, 10 cm side, mass between 1 and 20 kg).
Nanosatellites make it possible to carry out innovative projects ranging from university training (Eyesat) to the development of new industrial sectors (ANGELS).

The University Space Centers train for space through an original pedagogy by projects, multidisciplinary, with 'real' space achievements (nanosats and micro launchers) > very 'NewSpace'.

The interest for a young person to go through a "CSU" project is truly to acquire skills specific to the space sector (system engineering, space project management, space culture, etc.), in addition to their initial training (mechanical , elec, ...) which the sector will of course also need.

More than ten French schools and universities in partnership with scientific laboratories and industrialists are involved in JANUS. The most advanced have set up University Space Centers (CSU) which develop nanosatellite projects in interface with CNES based on:
skills (teacher-researchers, permanent engineers, students),
premises and technical resources for development, integration and operations,
resources (budget, sponsors),
cooperation with other universities (French or foreign) or other CSUs.

The University Space Centers (CSU) are located in several regions in France.

Training course(s) proposed