Aerospace Education Catalogue

CSU de Nouvelle-Aquitaine - NAASC (Nouvelle-Aquitaine Academic Space Center)
Centre Spatial Universitaire de Nouvelle-Aquitiaine


Created at the end of 2019 on the initiative of 5 higher education establishments in New Aquitaine, the University Space Center of New Aquitaine, NAASC, is a scientific interest group whose primary mission is to train to stimulate innovation and industrial performance in the space sector, by integrating its economic, strategic and political dimensions.

With the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and the CNES, NAASC has developed an original pedagogy through unifying multidisciplinary, collaborative, inter-establishment projects, which are based on the production of space nanosystems intended to fly or be put into orbit: nano satellites and their exploitation, payloads and space subsystems, stratospheric balloons, micro-launchers.

Young people are involved in these projects through academic sequences, internships, apprenticeship periods, doctorates or post-doctorates, which allow them to acquire skills specific to the space sector through practice (assembly integration test, quality , system engineering, space project management, space culture, etc.), while strengthening their initial training (mechanics, electronics, IT, etc.) which the sector will of course also need.

The projects are carried out with the support of CNES and its educational programs PERSEUS and NanoLab Academy. Supervised by teachers, teacher-researchers, researchers, engineers, within the framework of partnerships with research laboratories, industrialists and associations, they promote intergenerational dynamics and vocations by creating opportunities for meetings, sharing and work. .

NAASC is an active member of the French network of university space centers which federates the CSUs, constituting a real territorial network at the service of the development of industry and aerospace research.

NAASC is every year, in a few figures:
- nearly 100 students trained;
- more than 30 supervisors involved;
- about ten training establishments concerned;
- 5 research laboratories involved;
- several partner companies or associations.

Training course(s) proposed