Objectives: Engineers specializing in Mechanical Engineering - Advanced Manufacturing Processes are capable, at the heart of the challenges of competitiveness and innovation of the Factory of the Future:
to adapt the definition of a product according to subtractive and/or additive production processes
to specify the need, choose to implement the material/process pair according to technical requirements, quality, costs, deadlines
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Dedicated web site: https://dp-www.s3.ensam.eu/public/2023-03/Ing+%C2%AEnieur%20ENSAM_Proc+%C2%AEd+%C2%AEs%20Avanc+%C2%AEs%20Fabrication_HD.pdf
Dedicated web site : https://www.formation-maisonindustrie.com/alternance/formations-diplomantes-en-apprentissage (détails)