Mastère Ingénieur Systèmes, Réseaux et cybersécurité (rentrée 2023)
- Organisation: Fab’Academy du Pôle formation UIMM Pays de la Loire
- Type of Course: Initial education
- Language(s): French
- Place: Fab'Academy de Nantes (à Bouguenais) (French Regions: Pays-de-la-Loire)
- Prepared diploma/grade/title: Mastère, Mastaire,... (master degree level from a French academic institution)
- Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 3
Course Details
Objectives: Continuation of the Bachelor Network Systems and Cybersecurity course
Degree Level (EU) : (niveau 7) - (EQC level or equivalent)
Duration and terms: 2 years - from sept. 2023
Dedicated web site:
- Engineering Sciences
- Applications, Operations
- 11 - Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Modelling, Optimisation, Digital and Data Sciences, Big Data, Cryptography, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence
- 12 - Telecommunications, Networks, Information and Communications Technologies, Multimedia, Internet of Things, Teleservices