Objectives: QGis 3.x training - initiation (2 days): Approach the basic functionalities of QGis to ensure a familiarity with the software
QGis 3.x training - advanced training (2 days): Digitize, process and analyze geographic data
Modeling training (3 days): Understand the concepts of data modeling according to the Merise method and learning SQL language
PostGré training (2 days): Practice the free relational database management system (DBMS) with its administration tool PGAdmin, in order to administer and manage data
SQL training (3 days): Request data for consultation and update
Intended for: Geomatician, GIS technician or administrator, surveyor, topographer, researcher, architect, public works company ...
Duration and terms: 2 to 3 days
Dedicated web site: https://www.etablieres.fr/formations-pour-adultes-informatique-web/formations-courtes-en-geomatique