Aerospace Education Catalogue

BUT Génie Mécanique & Productique (GMP)

  • Organisation: IUT de Nantes
    (Nantes Université)
  • Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning - Sandwich/Apprenticeship training
  • Language(s): French
  • Place: Carquefou (French Regions: Pays-de-la-Loire)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: BUT (three-year technological university degree)
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 0

Course Details

Objectives: The field of mechanical engineering encompasses all activities from design to production in most sectors of industry and services (automotive, household appliances, aeronautics, etc.). The activities concern both products (small or large series) and production equipment (agrifood, transport and handling, tools, etc.). They are based on skills requiring related knowledge in automation, computer science, materials science, organization, environment ...
Train senior technicians / general middle managers in mechanics with technical, scientific, economic and human skills allowing them to intervene in all stages of design, implementation and monitoring of the life cycle of a product.

Degree Level (EU) : 6 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Targeted careers : transport (aeronautics, automobile, rail, naval, etc.), environment, food industry, consumer equipment (sports, household appliances, etc.), research and development.

Functions: product design, design, production management, quality control, sales representative, facility maintenance, researcher.

Duration and terms: 3 years

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences
  • System Engineering, Programme Management, Production


  • 3 - Mechanical and Materials Engineering: Solid Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Composites, Metallurgy, Forming, Additive Manufacturing, Metamaterials, Processes, Plastics, Chemistry, Polymers, Surface Treatment, etc.
  • 17 - Programme and Production Management: Project Management, Lean, Industrialization, Life Cycle, Ecodesign, Supply Chain, Assembly Line, Digital Transformation, Factory of the Future, Integration, Maintenance, Recycling, etc.