Objectives: The holder of the higher aeronautical technician certificate is a specialist who, in aircraft assembly and maintenance sites, participates in engineering to prepare the activity of operators, intervenes in production to control, adapt and develop on-board systems and equipment and ensures the technical relationship between the manufacturer or the maintenance company and the customers.
Intended for: Students
Degree Level (EU) : 5 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Prerequisites: Holders of Bac S, Bac STI 2D, Bac Pro industrial
Satisfy the positioning tests
Validate a professional project
Acquired skills during the training : - Participate in all stages of engineering (organization, design, verification)
- Conduct checks, tests, diagnostics and fine-tuning activities on aircraft being assembled, including on the runway, and/or in base or line maintenance
- Provide technical support to customers independently.
Express yourself in English in writing and orally (frequent contact with English-speaking clients, occasional intervention in foreign countries, writing of documentation)
Targeted careers : This BTS allows employability in companies in the construction or aircraft equipment sector as well as those in aeronautical maintenance.
Continuation of studies: professional license in the field or in the sector of
maintenance, engineering science license, engineering school through parallel admissions or through an ATS preparatory class
Duration and terms: Forecast dates: September 2025 - end of June 2027
work-study program - 1350 hours in center
Paid individual - 1495 hours in center and 8 weeks in internship
Dedicated web site: https://forpro-paca.com/formation-bts-aeronautique+gap+1450.html