Aerospace Education Catalogue

Formation Photogrammétrie par drone

  • Organisation: ENSG
    (Université Gustave Eiffel)
  • Type of Course: Life-long learning - short courses (basics)
  • Language(s): French
  • Place: Marne la Vallée (French Regions: Ile-de-France)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Certificate of participation (Notification of training attendance/completion)
  • VAE (Validation of Acquired Experiences): Yes
  • This training is Eligible for CPF

Course Details

Objectives: Master the stages of photogrammetry by drone, from planning the acquisition flight to the analysis of orthoimages and resulting digital terrain models, including the creation of 3D models.

Intended for: Drone remote pilot wishing to acquire photogrammetric skills. Photogrammeter wishing to efficiently process data acquired by drone. Surveyors wishing to expand their activities.

Prerequisites: Experience in the field of geographic information or in the piloting of drones.

Acquired skills during the training : Master the stages of photogrammetry by drone.

Duration and terms: 3 days - from 3 to 5 november 2020

Dedicated web site:


  • Applications, Operations


  • 14 - Transports, Intelligent Transportations Systems (ITS), Mobility, Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
  • 15 - Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, GIS, Geomatics