Objectives: The course "Mechanics of composite Structures: Aeronautics and Eco-Design" (MSCAE) focuses on the modeling and calculation in mechanics, the mechanics of composite structures, the optimization and reliability of systems, the couplings And the associated numerical methods (finite elements...). During this general scientific training, a specialization will be made in two areas of choice:
-Aeronautics (aircraft architecture, flight mechanics, aeronautical programs, propulsion system);
-Eco-design, Green materials & sustainable economy. These lessons are based on the use of industrial software CATIA V5, ANSYS, ABAQUS, MATLAB, LABVIEW... Projects and case studies make it possible to deepen these skills on complex problems.
Intended for: Students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Prerequisites: Scientific Licence (mecanics area)
Admission requirements: selection on file
Duration and terms: 4 semesters
Notes: The Master prepares for immediate employability. It covers industries such as, aerospace, automotive, space, transport, ..