Objectives: The BAC + 5: Purchase and supply Chain Manager prepares future purchasing, supply and logistics managers in all industrial fields, including the aerospace and Aeronautics world. Many learners have done their apprenticeship in the companies in this sector and some of them still carry out their trade, both in the purchase of production and out of production. Our managers are trained in all the tools of the trade and are able to evaluate the constraints of the customers and the internal needs. They are also sensitized to the EN9100 standard and follow a specific aviation module, delivered by the NAE trainers. The training takes place in Evreux-Ecole Supérieure of the Chamber of Commerce and industry doors of Normandy.
Prerequisites: students with a bac+3 diploma
Duration and terms: 2 years in alternance
Dedicated web site: https://escci.fr/formations/achats-logistique/manager-achats-appro/