Aerospace Education Catalogue

Mastère Spécialisé en Ingénierie de la Cybersécurité

  • Organisation: IMT Nord Europe
  • Type of Course: Initial education - Life-long learning
  • Language(s): French, English
  • Place: Lille, Douai (French Regions: Hauts-de-France)
  • Prepared diploma/grade/title: Advanced Master (Label of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles)
  • Level of entry: French Baccalaureat + 4

Course Details

Objectives: The Specialized Master in Cybersecurity Engineering provides expert training in IT security to enable mastery of the implementation of information system security in businesses, from the identification of risks to the development of security plans. intended to protect the company's vital resources against internal and external attacks of all kinds.

This program accredited by the Conference of Grandes Écoles, received the SecNumedu label issued by ANSSI and ranks 1st in the top 10 of the best Masters, MS and MBA in Cybersecurity and systems security in the Hauts-de-France region. France.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Engineering diploma approved by the CTI (Bac+5)
University diplomas at Master level M2 (Bac+5)
University diplomas at M1 or Masters level (Bac+4) and three years of professional experience
Foreign diplomas of equivalent level (Bac+5)
Prerequisites: knowledge of computers and networks

Targeted careers : Cybersecurity Auditor/Controller/Assessor
Cybersecurity Architect
Organizational or technical security consultant
Information Security Manager
IT security manager
Cryptography Engineer
Security Data Analyst
Application Security Engineer
Cybersecurity Compliance Manager
Incident Response Expert
Threat Intelligence Analyst
Cloud Security Expert

Duration and terms: 1 year

Dedicated web site:


  • Engineering Sciences
  • Human and Social Sciences


  • 11 - Data Sciences: Applied Mathematics, Signal and Image Processing, Cryptography, Artificial Intelligence (machine learning, big data, etc.), Computer Science, Cloud, Software Engineering, Virtual Reality, Virtualization, Digital Twins, Metaverse, etc.
  • 12 - Information and Communications Technologies: Telecommunications, Modulation/Coding, Software Defined Radio (SDR), Multimedia, Networks and Protocols, Internet, IoT/Connected Objects, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Information Systems, Teleservices,....