Objectives: This University Diploma (DU) is part of the process of continuous improvement of companies in the fields of quality, safety and the environment. It is mainly intended for professionals without a profile Scientific or technological level and will be able to design and manage an integrated QSE system management system, thus contributing to the improvement of the overall performance of the company.
The DU Qualité Sécurité Environnement (September-August) is aimed at professionals wishing to deepen their knowledge or to convert into the integrated management of QSE systems.
It addresses the three "flagship" themes of management systems in relation to sustainable development:
> The ISO 9001 quality section: general organization of the company, management, planning, human resources management, continuous improvement
> The safety part OHSAS 18001 (ISO 45001): management system integrating occupational health and safety with the assessment of occupational risks
> The "Environment" part ISO 14001: the company evaluates its most important environmental impacts and implements means to control all these impacts.
Degree Level (EU) : (niveau 6) - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements: > Have either a Bac +2 diploma and a minimum of three years' professional experience, or a bachelor's degree, a master's degree or an engineering degree, accompanied by a first professional experience.
> No scientific prerequisites.
> Special conditions of admission: selection on the basis of the dossier and a motivational interview.
Duration and terms: 1 year
Dedicated web site: https://www.u-bordeaux.fr/formation/formation-professionnelle/contacts/formation-continue-ST